A little while ago, as I was worshiping I saw a vision of the Bride of Christ. Well actually, I saw a vision of Jesus as He was looking at the bride.... He just kept saying "isn't she beautiful???" . The look on His face, the words and the feeling He was expressing, the wonder, the love he had for her - it was just overwhelming. I was so overcome, it took me a couple of hours to recover. He was just
so in love with her. It was an
intense vision!
I think that we who have been Christians for a while can sometimes have a tendency to see all the faults, all the shortcomings, all the problems in our churches. We will sometimes speak badly of our local church, or even about other congregations or the body as a whole. What's more, we're often afraid to lift our gaze to Him as his bride, because we're so aware of our own shortcomings!!! Yet the bible paints a very different picture of the bride. Ephesians 1:22 describes the church as being the fullness of God, and Jesus describes His bride as the "Joy set before Him" and endured the cross for the sake of having her. Ephesians 5:27 says Jesus will present to himself a bride without spot or blemish, and the picture of the marriage of the Lamb in Revelation is just stunning!! I think if we truly understood the love that Christ has for His church, we'd think twice about despising her (including ourselves!!) Are you willing to slander the one that the creator of the universe is in love with???? No sir, not me!!!
About "Isn't She Lovely"
No - it's not a cover of that Stevie Wonder
classic, as much as I dig it! Rather this is a simple meditation on what Jesus says about His bride. Drawing on sections of Song of Songs, it's an invitation to understand the heart of Jesus towards his bride. Be blessed oh Bride! He is ravished by you (even when you're at you're worst!)