Monday, 15 July 2013

Psalm 139

Hello to all my Russian viewers!!!  Apparently there are a lot of you out there! Whether you're just stumbling across the "plog" accidentally, or are coming to listen to new music, feel free drop a message in the comments below.  And that goes for all of you listeners out there.  I'd love to hear how you got here, or how you're finding 'the spontaneous sessions' so far!

I'm happy to say that things are chugging along nicely here... lots of "le tour de france" viewing mingled with lots of new songwriting.  In addition, I'm gearing up for a solo gig at The Entrance this Saturday night!!   It's a great night out, so if you live in Melb, come along!.  Also, Lion & I are getting ready for the release of our new album!!  (You can hear and/or purchase last years offering here!)  It's all very exciting!

And don't forget, you can download and share most of the songs from the spontaneous sessions for free.... including this weeks session - Psalm 139.

Psalm 139

Psalm 139 is one of my favourit-ist Psalms... I remember discovering it one night during my university years.  I had just bought a new NIV bible, and had taken it with me to Kmart to read during my tea break.  I came across Psalm 139 and was just transfixed.  "What an awesome Psalm," I thought, and proceeded to write one of my first songs "When I Awake" based on the text.

Well, the love affair with Psalm 139 continues!  I'm not sure exactly what it is about it that touches me so much... but it just speaks the most assuring truths about how much God loves us.  I can be so up and down sometimes.  So high on life, then the next minute, down in the doldrums over something that's happened.  I get the feeling King David might have been a bit the same!!  But God's not like that.  Whether we're good or bad, or happy or sad, or winning or losing: God's the same.  Constant. Aware of every hair on your head.  All knowing.  He doesn't change.  He doesn't have bad days.  And He loves perfectly.  He thought about me and knew me before I was even formed - he literally dreamed me into being!!!  It's just overwhelming.  As David says in the Psalm:
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,    too lofty for me to attain.
I hope you enjoy this reflection on Psalm 139!


Friday, 5 July 2013


This weeks song is "Enthralled".  As usual, it's available for free download by clicking the player below.  Based on Psalm 45.

I love Psalm 45.  I've heard it sung so many times, by so many different people, but it never gets old!  It starts with a statement by the writer, and then moves on to talk about the excellency of the King.  The excellency of Jesus:
My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king;my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. You are the most excellent of men, and your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever (Psalm 45: 1-2)

It then goes on to entreat the bride to listen and hear the important message - that the King desires her beauty.  That she needs to leave everything behind, and throw herself on the love of the King.
Listen, O daughter, consider and give ear: Forget your people and your father's house. The king is enthralled by your beauty... (Psalm 45:10-11)

I love this!  It's such a powerful picture.  It requires the bride (that's us, the church) to leave behind the things we have known... leave behind the world that we were born in to, with all it's familiar and safe rules and routines, and simply chase after Jesus.  Just lay it all down to let the King love us!

"Give it all up!!  Jesus finds you irresistible!"   

Thursday, 4 July 2013

The Raven and The Lily

I'm very happy to announce that my first ever single (released last year) is now available for digital purchase/download from bandcamp!  Of course, If you'd prefer a hardcopy, just leave me a message in the comments below, and i'll arrange it!

Based on the parable of the Raven and the Lily from Matthew 6:25, in which Jesus talks about the futility of worrying, this track was recorded as part pre-written song, and part spontaneous song.

You can buy it as an "album" which includes the TRATL Remix (by James Bough, of Lion & I fame), or just as a single.  Simply click on the link below.

I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


As Promised!  New Lion & I tracks are on their way!  But while we're finishing off all the details before a full album release, I'm letting you have a sneak peak of one of the spontaneous songs! This song is technically not yet finished (and so is not available for download), but I'm sure you'll get the idea!

About 'Mel-Burn'

At our weekly Friday night Worship and Prayer (or Harp and Bowl) sessions at our church, we often find ourselves interceding for our beautiful city of Melbourne.  We pray for revival, for the breaking out of God's power and love, for a softening of peoples hearts towards God, for our city to be set on fire for God....  for Mel-burn!!!

This spontaneous song is just that - a prophetic declaration over our city!

"Burn, Mel-burn!"

I hope you enjoy this preview!