Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Special Guest James Bough

Well, here's last weeks song!  I'm very pleased to be featuring a song by a special guest artist: James Bough, who apart from being a talented musician and songwriter, also happens to be my Lion & I band mate!  (Did i mention that we are releasing our new album "Send Your Glory" in a little over a week? Check it out here).

He Who Reigns

I love this song - it's very heart felt and hymn-like, and simply declares dependence on God and a longing to be fully His.  James says of the song "it's pretty much me talking to Holy Spirit and wanting Him to possess me ... like it says in the bible of Gideon, where God put on Gideon like a glove"

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Lion & I - Send Your Glory Album Release!

Hiya Spontaneous Session-ers!

Just a quick update to let you know the Lion & I are going to be releasing their new album "Send Your Glory" on November 1st!  All the songs on this new album are actually spontaneous songs that were originally recorded and featured on this blog!!!

Send Your Glory will be available both as a physical CD and as an electronic download from our bandcamp site.  Be sure to 'like' and check our facebook site regularly for more info, updates and discounts!!

Thanks for your support of "the spontaneous sessions" - without it, this new album wouldn't exist!


Friday, 11 October 2013

His Gaze

This weeks spontaneous song is "a cappella" just for a change.  "A cappella" literally translated means "in the style of the church/chapel".  How very apt!  But in reality, it just means I didn't use any accompanying instruments (well, sorta.  Except for a drum beat!).  This was super fun to do and i hope you like the outcome as much as i do.  Don't forget that this tune is free to download - so if you like it, share it around!

About "His Gaze"

Based around some verses from Song of Solomon, this song is a meditation on understanding that Jesus is truly moved by His love for us.  It's not just a duty to Him.  He truly loves.
I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me.  Song 7:10
The word translated as "desire" here is actually a word meaning "to move or impel".  As the "pulpit commentary" puts it: "The thought seems to be this - As my beloved is full of worshipping affection, and I am wholly his, let his love have free course..."  Amen.

When this becomes our reality, suddenly everything else just falls by the wayside.  And then we can say nothing else matters...  Everything is gonna be fine!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Awaken Love

Well, here we are!  Last week's song is finally ready! (apologies for the lateness, I was super busy with an event for the awesome Vinnie MacDonald.)  Did I mention that Lion & I are also about to release a new album???  Very excited!!

What Does God require of Us?

If only we could work out what God wants from us, and then give it to Him, life would be so much simpler, right???  Well, it is simple! In the Gospels, Jesus tells us that Love is what God requires of us.  He sums up all of the law in love: 'love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind.  And love your neighbour as yourself" Luke 10:27. Simple, but still a pretty tough call all the same!

It takes God to love God

A Wise Man once told me "it takes God to love God".  This reminds me that I desperately need the love of God inside me before I can even begin to really understand what it means to love God or others.  It's like His love opens us up to be able to love.  1 John 4:19 puts it nicely:

we love because He first loved us

Awaken Love

The cool thing is that when we start to really meditate on what God's love is  - how high and how wide and how deep it is - it starts to change the way we love.  And did you know we can literally ask God to come and Stir Up and Awkane Love in us???  It's one of His favourite things to do! And it also means we are then equipped to give Him exactly what he wants!  Ask Him today, and see what he does!