Monday, 28 July 2014

Born Again

Flesh give birth to flesh.  but spirit gives birth to spirit.

I've been pondering these things lately.  Particularly after watching the "son of god" movie.  I was really challenged.  If i was John or Peter or any of the disciples - would i have left everything to follow this man who just appeared and said "follow me"???   I have a feeling that my mind would be saying "this man is crazy".  But if i took the time to listen to my spirit, it would be screaming "Follow Him.  Follow Him anywhere!!"

So I have this dilemma - I know that if i let my mind judge situations or people, I will miss the things of God.  The only solution is we must be born again.  We must learn to see with eyes that see what is not really seeable!!  Because my eyes only see the physical things.  Flesh things.

"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. "Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again.' "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."…  John 3:6-8

It's a whole new way of seeing.  Of walking.  And of trusting.

Born Again

This week's song is a meditation on this truth.  Let it sink deep, deep into your spirit.  Let it remind you of how the Kingdom of God operates.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Psalm 139 - Chloe and Sally

This weeks song is very special to me. Not just becausee it's based on one of my favourite Psalms (I've used Psalm 139 as inspiration on this plog before - here). But because in a spontaneous sessions first, it's a duet with one of my favourite people - my niece Chloe Turner.

A few years ago, when Chloe was only 10 and on a visit with me over the summer holidays, we decided we would do some worship together.  I asked her to write out a few verses of her favourite Psalm and we sat at the piano and made up a spontaneous song based on those verses.  I couldn't believe my ears!  Here was a 10 year old girl making up a song off the top of her head, making up harmonies and melodies and singing beautiful and creative praise to our God.  I'm not ashamed to admit I had a bit of a tear in my eye because it touched me so much.

Fast forward a few years and Chloe is now a beautiful young woman of God.  She serves on her church worship team, her youth team, and is a dedicated lover of God.  I'm so proud of the person she has become and is becoming! So the last time she came down, we recorded a track based on her choice of Psalm 139:23-24:

23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.

So here we are (on a track recorded and then remixed by my Lion & I bandmate James Bough, and of course it's all spontaneous!).  Free to download!  Share it with your friends :)

Chloe and Aunty Sally recording Psalm 139

Friday, 20 June 2014

The One Coming

It's been a very long time since we've been here.  Oh spontaneous sessions, I've missed you!!  My 12 months of spontaneous-ness was interrupted by illness. Boooo. And altho I'm not completely better (yet), I'm determined to pick up where we left off.  So here we go again!  (And just a reminder that these tracks are free to download! Just click on the link below)

What really matters?

You know the cool thing about living in the western world when you've got nothing else to do but lie in bed? Lots of entertainment and distractions.  You know the bad thing about living in the western world when you've got nothing else to do but lie in bed? Lots of entertainment and distractions.  To truly fellowship with and know the Lord takes us making a decision about what we will do with our time.  It's the same decision for each of us whether we're well or sick, rich or poor, troubled or at peace.  It's too easy to be caught up in wasting our lives on things that in the end don't really matter.

Psalm 132

The first 5 verses of Psalm 132 speak of the vow that David made before God  He sets making a dwelling place for God as a priority in his heart. Todays spontaneous session was inspired by the desire to make knowing and loving God the number one priority in my life.  I don't want to just give "the minimum i can get away with giving" - I want to experience the fullness of what God has for me in this life.  To live a life abandoned to the one who is coming!