Friday, 22 March 2013

Here In This Place

Wow!  What a week...

The whole idea of 'the spontaneous sessions' was to encourage me to actually record some worship.  Stands to reason that the heart of this project is to just sit down at the piano and do it.  But no!  There are a million other things that need attending to in order for this to happen: sound proofing, rearranging furniture, mic placement tests, learning about recording technique, choosing MIDI plugins, .wav uploads... and the list goes on!

So, the recording process is a lot like life...  All I want to do is seek God, listen out for His voice.  But so many other things crowd into my time.  Things that need to be done.  Things that are important.   Things that distract...

But I want to be like Mary (Martha's sister) who understood what was needed: to sit at Jesus' feet. I want to be like King David who, in the midst of overwhelming times, still had his heart focused on intimacy. Even in the midst of a battlefield, right in front of his enemies, he still took the time for communion with the Lord:
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. (Psalm 23:5)

About "here in this place":

So it seems fitting that this week as I sat at the piano, I found myself affirming that in His presence is indeed where I belong.   Something in us yearns for that place... "one thing i ask, one thing i seek..." (Psalm 27:4). All our life story begins and ends in that place... there is no place like it....

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