Thursday, 18 April 2024

An Update...2024

 11 YEARS!!!

I started this plog 11 years ago.  I had lofty intentions of recording a spontaneous song of worship every week for a whole year.

11 years later after my bandcamp sites had been shuffled around years before, I've just reviewed and updated many of the links on this plog so that at least the post matches the embedded song now!  Woohoo!

What happened?

So for all of you wondering what happened to this project from all those years ago: I didn't quite make the whole year of spontaneous worship I set out to do.  But it was close!! Sickness made this effort very difficult and I abandoned a little early! But although I didn't quite make the year, what I did end up with was a steep learning curve of how to record and produce music at home, a whole lot of time spent singing the scriptures, spontaneous worship and soaking music that lasts for all eternity, and a couple of albums of raw unadulterated worship to look back on all these years later (here and here).

In addition, with my Lion & I bandmate James, we got a whole album of commercial music "Send Your Glory" out of this blog.  You can find that album here. And the good news is you can download and own that album for free! (as well as our earlier Lion & I album here and the raw spontaneous sessions).

My perspective from 2024

It's been an interesting exercise going back over some of these old posts and songs.  I'd forgotten a lot of what I'd recorded back then.  And a lot of things have changed since my time doing this plog: my church situation, my living situation even my marital status and name have changed.  Heck - the whole world has changed sinced 2013!  Listening back I can hear a lot of growth and maturity that has happened since these songs... I can also hear some of the unhealed parts of me and even some unhealthy attitutdes. But some things haven't changed.  And certainly my love for God, for sitting in His presence and singing His word has only grown since this time.  So although I look back on some of this time with a sense both of joy and sadness, one thing doesn't change: He's Good! And His grace covers all things.

Looking back I'm so pleased I did this little exercise.  It's a snapshot in time of where I was at in my worship journey of 2013/14.  A stake in the ground even when I was feeling so very ill and empty physically. And I was particularly encouraged to come across the post that spoke of my little niece Chloe and her first effort recording a worship song.  I'm so proud to report she is now a beautiful young adult who has only grown in her gifts and is now working as a pastor, leading worship and writing songs all the time!!  

What a lovely little walk down memory this has been.  And a beautiful reminder that 11 years later although some things pass away... other things we do have lasting impact... 



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